Recent News and Releases

May 04, 2020

World against COVID-19. Our colleagues' thoughts about the situation: Luiz Moutinho

Luiz Moutinho, Professor, BA, MA, Ph.D., FCIM, Visiting Professor of Marketing, Suffolk Business School, University of Suffolk, England. Adjunct Professor of Marketing, Graduate School of Business, University of the South Pacific, Fiji. Visiting Professor of Marketing, Universidade Europeia and the Marketing School, Portugal.

Will coronavirus change society and the world?

SARS-CoV-2 belongs to the broad family of viruses known as coronaviruses. Covid-19 is the illness and medical condition that stems from the specific virus. Each SARS-CoV-2 virus is approximately 50–200 nanometres in diameter.
As information on the virus deluges traditional and social media, the WHO (World Health Organisation) warns that societies around the world are facing an “infodemic” – an “overabundance” of information that makes it difficult for people to identify truthful and trustworthy sources from false or misleading ones.

April 30, 2020

World against COVID-19. Our colleagues' thoughts about the situation: Muhammad Mahboob Ali

Muhammad Mahboob Ali, Professor of Economics, Finance, ICT and Entrepreneurship, Dhaka School of Economics, Bangladesh.

Pandemic change is highly correlated with ice breaker ideas

Before COVID-19, it was hardly believed in Bangladesh that full class exam could be held online. But due to pandemic situation, everything changes. In Bangladesh, classes of schools and colleges will be suspended till September 2020, depending on the gravity of the situation as directed by our respected Prime Minister. Government is trying to ensure education through Sangsad TV. Some private TV channels also arranged the "Amar Patshala" program, such as Mohana TV for Monipui School and colleges.

April 21, 2020

Serhiy Kozmenko's guest post was published on the Cabells blog

We are pleased to announce that the “Guest Post: A Symbiosis of Predatory Journals and Authors: Is This Possible?” by Dr. Serhiy Kozmenko, (co-founder of the publishing company, Business Perspectives) was published on the Cabells blog on the 16th of April 2020.

“The illustration in the Nature article depicts a wolf (i.e. a predator) in sheep’s clothing, rendered as an academic journal. But is a researcher always the obedient prey of a predator? Is he or she always a sheep? The vast majority of authors likely fall victim to predatory outfits because of their own incompetence or lack of discrimination. But not all authors are sheep.

April 13, 2020

World against COVID-19. Our colleagues' thoughts about the situation: Valentina Okaru-Bisant

What is the impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of online higher education services in the United States of America and how can we turn any challenges into opportunities?

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, online distance learning and teaching existed in higher education. Val Okaru-Bisant, the author of this article, taught online and face-to-face teaching for several years. The global education technology sector, including online learning, was growing at a fast pace of 15.4% a year with heavy investments from many companies like Google and Microsoft1. However, only 3% of all educational expenditure is spent on digital programs2 and proponents of online learning are pushing for universities to increase digital expenditures beyond 3%, including using it to solve problems, create educational partnerships and expand global outreach3.

April 07, 2020

World against COVID-19. Our colleagues' thoughts about the situation: Danica Purg

Danica Purg, Professor, President to IEDC-Bled School of Management and President of CEEMAN, Slovenia.

How we cope with Challenges of the Covid-19 Crisis at IEDC-Bled School of Management, Slovenia

One of our recent top programs at the IEDC-Bled School of Management, Slovenia, was on "crisis management". We would never have the opportunity or need to test our own crisis management capabilities. The same is with banks. They make stress tests, where there is no stress situation. They like to be prepared, but always on the basis of the former crisis, not the next. We survived the crisis in former Yugoslavia. When Slovenia, because of the 10-day war of independence in 1991, became a “no go area”, we had to relocate our programs with our professors to Austria. We managed to survive, though we had problems with the weathering the storm.

April 06, 2020

CRediT adoption for LLC “CPC” Business Perspectives”

Author Contributions

Since January 2020, all journals of LLC "CPC "Business Perspectives" adopt CRediT Taxonomy to identify and record the individual contribution of each author to the article in order to avoid possible authorship disputes and conflicts. The roles describe each author's specific contribution to the scholarly output. Not all roles can be used in the article and not all roles can be applied to all authors (that is, each author could contribute in several roles).

Since 24 of March 2020 We made CRediT machine readable with full meta-data available, CRediT it’s coded in JATS xml v1.2.