Factors influencing job stress: Evidence from tellers in Cambodia


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Increasing the propensity for job stress can negatively affect individuals’ job satisfaction and work productivity. Therefore, lots of organizations have tried to assess factors that can affect job stress among workers so that they can seek to develop new working policies to promote a better working environment for their staff. This study aims to investigate how job stress is influenced by these key factors (i.e., workload, work-family conflict, role conflict, performance pressure, and supervisor support). To collect the data, 649 tellers who felt pressured and frustrated with their jobs were asked to fill in the self-administered questionnaires. Next, multiple regression was used to analyze the data. The results indicated that role conflict (β = 0.45), workload (β = 0.30), work-family conflict (β = 0.23), and supervisor support (β = –0.19) significantly influenced job stress among bank tellers. At the same time, performance pressure had an insignificant effect on job stress.

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    • Figure 1. Conceptual framework
    • Figure 2. Linearity test
    • Figure 3. Multiple regression results
    • Table 1. Variable construct and content reliability
    • Table 2. Multiple regressions and hypotheses summary
    • Formal Analysis
      Wanamina Bostan Ali, Siwarit Pongsakornrungsilp
    • Investigation
      Wanamina Bostan Ali, Siwarit Pongsakornrungsilp
    • Methodology
      Wanamina Bostan Ali, Long Kim, Siwarit Pongsakornrungsilp, Sydney Chinchanachokchai
    • Resources
      Wanamina Bostan Ali
    • Writing – original draft
      Wanamina Bostan Ali
    • Writing – review & editing
      Wanamina Bostan Ali, Long Kim, Siwarit Pongsakornrungsilp
    • Software
      Long Kim
    • Supervision
      Long Kim, Sydney Chinchanachokchai
    • Validation
      Long Kim
    • Data curation
      Siwarit Pongsakornrungsilp
    • Project administration
      Siwarit Pongsakornrungsilp, Sydney Chinchanachokchai
    • Conceptualization
      Sydney Chinchanachokchai