Family-work and work-family conflict and job performance of Ecuadorian teachers


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In today’s society, there is a permanent conflict between working and caring for the family. This conflict has worsened as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, making it necessary to study it to see how it affects the performance of workers. The objective of this study is to determine the association between work-family and family-work conflicts and performance dimensions (effort and quality of work) of Ecuadorian teachers. For data collection, validated models were used. The study employed a quantitative approach through an online survey of 570 teachers from Fiscal Educational Centers in Canton Duran, Prefecture of Guayas, in Ecuador, selected for having less Internet access. The hypotheses were validated using structural equation modeling (SEM). It has been determined that work-family conflict is positively and significantly associated with the effort dimension of performance with a value of R2 0.245 and p = 0.000. In the same way, it is associated with quality of work, obtaining an R2 0.193, p = 0.000. At the same time, the relationship between family-work conflict and effort dimension has not found sufficient evidence with a value of R2 0.064 and p = 0.212, and regarding quality of work dimension, a negative and significant effect has been found with a value of R2 –0.146 and p = 0.015. The findings demonstrate that the work-family conflict is positively associated with the dimensions of performance, contrary to the family-work conflict, which has a negative association or is not associated at all.

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    • Figure 1. Conceptual model
    • Figure 2. Structural research model by SmartPLS version 3
    • Table 1. Methodological design
    • Table 2. Structure of factors, reliability, and mean-variance extracted from the conflicts
    • Table 3. Work effort and work quality dimensions of work performance: Structure of factors, reliability and mean-variance extracted
    • Table. 4. Cross loadings of the variables
    • Table 5. Discriminant validity by the Fornell-Larcker criterion
    • Table 6. Reliability statistics
    • Table 7. Variance inflation factor (VIF)
    • Table 8. Model estimation by bootstrapping
    • Data curation
      Ronald Enrique Campoverde Aguirre
    • Investigation
      Ronald Enrique Campoverde Aguirre, Maria Gabriela Carcelen Donoso
    • Supervision
      Ronald Enrique Campoverde Aguirre, Victor Hugo Gonzalez Jaramillo
    • Writing – review & editing
      Ronald Enrique Campoverde Aguirre, Danny Xavier Arevalo Avecillas, Rober Anibal Luciano Alipio, Victor Hugo Gonzalez Jaramillo
    • Conceptualization
      Maria Gabriela Carcelen Donoso
    • Formal Analysis
      Maria Gabriela Carcelen Donoso, Danny Xavier Arevalo Avecillas
    • Funding acquisition
      Maria Gabriela Carcelen Donoso
    • Project administration
      Maria Gabriela Carcelen Donoso
    • Writing – original draft
      Maria Gabriela Carcelen Donoso, Rober Anibal Luciano Alipio
    • Methodology
      Danny Xavier Arevalo Avecillas
    • Visualization
      Danny Xavier Arevalo Avecillas
    • Resources
      Rober Anibal Luciano Alipio, Victor Hugo Gonzalez Jaramillo
    • Validation
      Rober Anibal Luciano Alipio, Victor Hugo Gonzalez Jaramillo