Impact of Islamic work values on in-role performance: Perspective from Muslim employee in Indonesia


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Religious values are contemporary issues associated with employees’ behavior in organizations, especially from the Islamic human resource (HR) management view. To address this issue, this study analyzed the influence of Islamic work values on engagement, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and in-role performance of Muslim employees. Considering the potential spread of COVID-19, primary data was collected by distributing online questionnaire via emails and social media to 283 respondents in Makassar City, Indonesia, who fulfilled the predetermined sampling criterion. PLS-SEM was employed to check the measurement and structural models of the SmartPLS 3.0 program. It was revealed that Islamic work values have a significant influence on engagement and job satisfaction and in contrast, insignificant on organizational commitment and employee in-role performance. In addition, a significant interrelationship between the 4 endogenous variables was confirmed, namely engagement, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and in-role performance. Furthermore, it was found that several constructs mediate the correlation between Islamic values and in-role performance. The findings are essential to provide theoretical enrichment for future studies pertaining to the measured Islamic values and HR behavior. Practically, managers are capable to devise and select the most appropriate HR strategies for Muslim employee in a particular organization.

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    • Figure 1. Conceptual framework model
    • Figure 2. PLS-SEM analysis result
    • Table 1. Demographics (N = 283)
    • Table 2. Outer model assessment
    • Table 3. Discriminant validity evaluation with Fornell-Larcker criterion
    • Table 4. Cross loadings
    • Table 5. Hypotheses testing
    • Conceptualization
      Munawir Nasir Hamzah, Nasir Hamzah
    • Data curation
      Munawir Nasir Hamzah, Muhammad Ashoer
    • Formal Analysis
      Munawir Nasir Hamzah, Muhammad Ashoer
    • Funding acquisition
      Munawir Nasir Hamzah
    • Investigation
      Munawir Nasir Hamzah, Muhammad Ashoer
    • Project administration
      Munawir Nasir Hamzah
    • Resources
      Munawir Nasir Hamzah
    • Supervision
      Munawir Nasir Hamzah, Nasir Hamzah
    • Writing – original draft
      Munawir Nasir Hamzah, Muhammad Ashoer
    • Writing – review & editing
      Munawir Nasir Hamzah, Nasir Hamzah
    • Methodology
      Muhammad Ashoer
    • Software
      Muhammad Ashoer
    • Validation
      Muhammad Ashoer
    • Visualization
      Muhammad Ashoer