Internal business process performance of the Nepalese telecom industry


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The study looked at the use of internal business process metrics within the performance assessment framework of the Nepalese telecom industry. It employed a descriptive study approach and an organized questionnaire survey instrument. The population of this study included all of Nepal’s telecom operators and their employees. The sample organizations from which random sampling techniques obtained the responses of 318 employees were Nepal Telecom and Ncell. The employees who hold at least offers and above positions at their company were the targeted respondents of the study. Three parts of the survey questionnaire were set up with 27 questions of different types to gather data. SPSS (statistical package for social sciences) program was employed to process and analyze the data. Sixteen measuring variables within four constructs were examined to assess the IBPP (internal business process performance). Three of these constructs: operations management (β = 0.229, p < 0.01), customer management (β = 0.380, p < 0.01), and regulatory and social processes (β = 0.175, p < 0.01) were found to have a statistically significant and favorable impact on the IBPP while innovation processes (β = 0.024, p > 0.05) was not properly applied and understood in the Nepalese telecom industry. The findings of this study will help identify the primary drivers of performance metrics and their relevance in organizational performance for the Nepalese telecom industry.

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    • Figure 1. The framework of the study
    • Table 1. Construct-wise reliability indicators
    • Table 2. Validity measures
    • Table 3. IBPP model outline
    • Table 4. IBPP ANOVA result
    • Table 5. IBPP regression coefficients of IBPP
    • Conceptualization
      Rewan Kumar Dahal
    • Data curation
      Rewan Kumar Dahal
    • Formal Analysis
      Rewan Kumar Dahal
    • Investigation
      Rewan Kumar Dahal
    • Methodology
      Rewan Kumar Dahal
    • Project administration
      Rewan Kumar Dahal
    • Software
      Rewan Kumar Dahal
    • Supervision
      Rewan Kumar Dahal
    • Validation
      Rewan Kumar Dahal
    • Visualization
      Rewan Kumar Dahal
    • Writing – original draft
      Rewan Kumar Dahal
    • Writing – review & editing
      Rewan Kumar Dahal