Managing the sustainability of economic system as the basis of investment development in Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 14 2017, Issue #4, pp. 50-59
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Nowadays, studying the categories of “economic sustainability”, “economic sustainability management” and the peculiarities of these concepts is especially relevant. Their use would provide an opportunity to ensure the sustainable and most effective functioning of the subject of economic relations in the current period of time, as well as to create a high potential for its development and ensuring the conditions for investing capital in the Ukrainian economy. All this determined the purpose of this study, which consists in the analysis of the theory and essence of the economic sustainability concept, the interpretation of the concept of “economic sustainability of the system” and the concept of “management of economic sustainability of the system”, distinguishing factors affecting the sustainability of the Ukrainian economic system, determining the relationship of economic sustainability with economic security, investing as well as forecasting the level of the Ukrainian economy sustainability based on the innovative modeling methods. The object of the research is to develop the theory of the “economic sustainability” concept and to determine the level of economic sustainability of the economy aimed at raising the investment climate in Ukraine. To ensure the development, security and investment attractiveness of the Ukrainian economy, an organizational structure of the management model for the sustainability of the Ukrainian economic system was developed using the developed economic and mathematical model.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)E27, О11, P52
- Figure 1. Graphic representation of the essence of the economic sustainability of the system
- Figure 2. Forecasting the sustainability of Ukrainian economy
- Figure 3. Organizational structure of the model for managing the sustainability of the Ukrainian economy as the basis of investment development
- Table 1. Indicators for assessing the sustainability of the state’s economy
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