The impact of intellectual capital on company financial performance: Evidence from the Omani industrial sector
Article InfoVolume 21 2024, Issue #1, pp. 343-355
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The article aims to investigate, using the VAIC and MVAIC models, the impact of intellectual capital on the financial performance of Omani companies listed on the Muscat Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2021. Regression analysis revealed a significant positive influence of VAIC and MVAIC only on the Asset Turnover Ratio at a 10% significance level. This suggests that an increase in VAIC or MVAIC by one unit could lead to a respective increase in earnings for Omani listed industrial companies by 0.0017 and 0.0016. However, the overall impact of VAIC and MVAIC on financial performance appears limited, necessitating measures for enhanced efficacy. Moreover, company size and leverage were found to significantly influence EBITDA and Return on Assets, suggesting the positive effect of increased activity and resource utilization. Conversely, Return on Customer Equity negatively affected only Asset Turnover Ratio, implying that investments in marketing and advertising may not significantly enhance financial performance. Human Capital Efficiency showed no significant impact on financial performance measures, highlighting the necessity for Omani industrial enterprises to focus on enhancing employee skills and experience for improved value-creation processes. These findings underscore the intricate relationship between intellectual, physical, and financial capital in shaping financial performance, necessitating targeted strategies for enhancement. Further analysis of suggested models indicated the significance of company size on EBITDA, highlighting the importance of scaling activities for performance improvement. VAIC and MVAIC structural elements showed mixed results, while Capital Employed Efficiency negatively affected Return on Equity, Structural Capital Efficiency positively impacted EBITDA and Asset Turnover Ratio.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G17, O34
- Figure 1. Conceptual framework of the study
- Table 1. Summary of all dependent and independent variables, calculation methods, and abbreviations used in the study
- Table 2. Explanation of the selected variables and descriptive statistics (based on observations: 1:1 – 34:5)
- Table 3. Correlation coefficients, based on observations 1:1 – 34:5
- Table 4. Results of panel data estimate parameter selection for each of the models used in the study
- Table A1. Analyzed PERF models (Pooled OLS, FEM, REM)
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