Does brand love strictly increase purchase intention? The case of Linio
Article InfoVolume 18 2022, Issue #4, pp. 36-47
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Given that feelings toward a brand allow for a mutually beneficial relationship, it is easy to assume that they are closely related to the customer’s willingness to buy as if they increase or decrease probably in the same proportion. Consequently, this study aims to observe the attractiveness of the Linio brand, one of Latin America’s most important e-commerce platforms, on the part of its consumers in northern Peru. The paper is quantitative, correlational, cross-sectional, and non-experimental; a probabilistic sampling was applied to 385 young consumers. The study used Microsoft Excel for the descriptive analysis, while the coefficients were applied with IBM SPSS Statistics. After applying Spearman’s Rho tests, the results showed a moderate relationship, with the satisfaction and love dimensions having the highest values. In contrast, the word-of-mouth communication and commitment dimensions have the lowest values. The study presents a moderate positive relationship between the variables brand love and purchase intention, which shows that the link is not as close as initially thought. Furthermore, brand loyalty has a slightly contradictory behavior despite individuals’ level of brand love.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M31, L81
- Figure 1. Variables and dimensions of the study
- Figure 2. Study variables and Spearman’s rho tests following each of the hypotheses proposed
- Table 1. Instrument reliability statistics
- Table 2. Normality test
- Table 3. Correlation between brand love and purchase intention
- Table 4. Correlation between satisfaction dimension and purchase intention
- Table 5. Correlation between WOM dimension and purchase intention
- Table 6. Correlation between love dimension and purchase intention
- Table 7. Correlation between commitment dimension and purchase intention
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