Financial resource management in the Nigerian public sector: policy measures to address loopholes
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #2, pp. 329-339
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Despite concerted efforts made by successive government administrations in Nigeria to eliminate or better still minimize the menace of fraud, embezzlement, misappropriation of funds, inflation of contract prices, payment of salaries to ghost workers etc., it seems as if the challenge is far from being over. It is believed that the implementation of effective and efficient financial control systems may result in better performance, accountability, and better reporting process in the public sector. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of financial control in the public sector of Nigeria using Akoko South-West Local Government Area (ASWLGA) as a case study. The study employed both descriptive and econometric analytical methods to achieve the stated objectives. Specifically, the hypotheses were tested using regression analysis based on the primary data collected. The study revealed that the level of financial control in ASWLGA is adequate and capable of reducing financial misappropriation and that financial control is also cost-effective. However, there is a need for regular review of the financial control system in order to boost the effectiveness of the public sector.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D73, H83
- Table 1. Likert scale analysis on the effectiveness of financial control in the public sector of Nigeria
- Table 2. Regression analysis
- Table 3. Regression analysis
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