Strategic management of creative industries: A case study of university information institutions
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #2, pp. 453-467
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The purpose of this paper is to summarize the experience of leading university libraries in attracting and using creative industries implementating strategic management. The study was conducted taking into account the previous experience by analyzing and systematizing the regulatory framework, information, and analytical materials on this issue, and conducting personal interviews with librarians. The results and conclusions were obtained on the example of libraries of seven higher educational institutions of Ukraine, which are included in the QS World University Rankings and the Times Higher Education.
The paper illustrates an extremely unsatisfactory financial situation and insufficient funding for university libraries. But even in such conditions, they are transformed into informational institutions, which not only provide users with a comfortable educational space but also produce innovative information resources and implement creative projects. The most significant projects are analyzed. All seven libraries have development strategies in which their mission is formalized. In three strategies there are no quantitative guidelines for development and, accordingly, the timing of their achievement. In addition, three strategies do not have the understanding of the need for business activities, and their key business processes are not clearly defined. Another three university libraries lack significant international creative projects. Instead, all seven university libraries recognize the need for creative industries and successfully implement creative projects of national importance.
The study emphasizes the need to apply a model of strategic management of creative industries on the example of university libraries.
This scientific paper published with support by British Council’s ‘Creative Spark: Higher Education Enterprise Programme’, project № 5742783597 – the ‘National Сentre for Сreative Entrepreneurship Development’ (NCCE).
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)І23, І25
- Figure 1. Strategic management of creative industries on the example of university libraries of Ukraine
- Table A1. Information about the strategies in leading universities of Ukraine and their libraries
- Table B1. Analysis of strategies of university libraries
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