The influence of vocational lecturer’s work environment on innovative work behavior and creative self-efficiency
Article InfoVolume 21 2023, Issue #3, pp. 408-417
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Lecturers have an essential role in achieving higher education goals. One of them is by being innovative in implementing learning. Currently, a severe problem for lecturers is developing innovative ideas and behavior. This study examines how the work environment of vocational lecturers influences innovative work behavior and self-efficacy. The sample comprised 361 vocational lecturers in East Java, Indonesia, who took part in an offline survey to collect the data. Using SmartPLS, the collected data were then examined. The results of the study show that transglobal leadership has a significant effect on creative self-efficacy with a t-statistic value of 6.893. Organizational culture also greatly influences innovative work behavior with a t-statistic of 5.507, and organizational culture significantly affects creative self-efficacy with a t-statistic of 2.048. In addition, creative self-efficacy significantly affects how innovative lecturers work with a t-statistic of 20.925. This study is relevant because it examines the relationship between transglobal leadership, organizational culture, creative self-efficacy, and innovative work behavior, which has not received much academic attention.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)I20, L29, M14, O15
- Figure 1. Research model
- Figure 2. Measurement of the outer model
- Table 1. Definitions of variables
- Table 2. Construct measurement
- Table 3. R-squared value estimates
- Table 4. Hypotheses results
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