The impact of transformational leadership on enhancing organizational trust: Moderating role of empowerment


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Worker empowerment is one of the main objectives of any organization. The purpose of the current study is to examine the impact of transformational leadership on organizational trust (trust in coworkers, trust in organization management, and trust in supervisors). In addition, it examines whether workers’ empowerment moderates the mentioned impact. An analytical descriptive approach was adopted, and a survey collected relevant data. A stratified random sample included 294 department managers, branch managers, and heads of departments who work in Jordanian telecommunications companies (Zain, Orange, and Umniah). The study employed SPSS and AMOS 21 for data analysis and hypotheses testing. The paper revealed a significant impact of transformational leadership on organizational trust, except for the ideal influence and inspirational motivation dimensions. Furthermore, workers’ empowerment significantly moderates the impact of transformational leadership on organizational trust at Jordan’s telecommunications companies (Zain, Orange, and Umniah).
The study recommends improving transformational leadership methods in telecom businesses as one of the most critical administrative leadership techniques. It is vital to ensure the continuation of telecom business leaders in these companies to foster organizational trust between company workers and administrative leaders. Additionally, future studies should find new funding sources, identify practical ways to put strategies into practice for intellectual stimulation and arousal in these companies, and conduct more studies on transformational leadership, organizational trust, and empowerment.

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    • Figure 1. Conceptual model
    • Table 1. Sample characteristics
    • Table 2. Cronbach’s alpha
    • Table 3. Means and standard deviation of transformational leadership
    • Table 4. Mean and standard deviation of organization trust
    • Table 5. Mean and standard deviation of empowerment
    • Table 6. Multicollinearity test
    • Table 7. Normal distribution of the dependent variable
    • Table 8. Regression analysis of H01
    • Table 9. Regression analysis of H01.1
    • Table 10. Regression analysis of H01.2
    • Table 11. Regression analysis of H01.3
    • Table 12. Regression weights (Group number 1 – Default model)
    • Table 13. Impact of the moderator variable on the relationship between independent and dependent variables
    • Conceptualization
      Rashad Al Saed, Mohammad Al Saed
    • Data curation
      Rashad Al Saed, Mohammad Al Saed
    • Formal Analysis
      Rashad Al Saed
    • Investigation
      Rashad Al Saed, Mohammad Al Saed
    • Methodology
      Rashad Al Saed
    • Project administration
      Rashad Al Saed, Mohammad Al Saed
    • Resources
      Rashad Al Saed, Mohammad Al Saed
    • Supervision
      Rashad Al Saed
    • Validation
      Rashad Al Saed
    • Writing – original draft
      Rashad Al Saed
    • Writing – review & editing
      Rashad Al Saed, Mohammad Al Saed