A comparative model analysis of managerial competence of business school educated managers
Article InfoVolume 15 2017, Issue #3, pp. 128-146
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This article compares an existing model to measure competence of managers educated within the business school environment to a similar model at another business school setting. The existing management model initially developed by Thekiso’s is evaluated to determine if the model can be operationalised, hence can be regarded as valid, to apply to another business school’s educated manager sample to measure their managerial competence. Resultantly, Thekiso’s original model was applied to another similar sample at another business school educated manager population in KwaZulu-Natal. These respondents also studied towards a Master of Business Administration degree but their specific cultural, language and business school variables differed. The objective was then to validate the Thekiso model in different application settings. The results showed that the data were suitable to use to determine if the existing model can be used as it is to measure managerial competence. Also, the results indicated that Thekiso’s existing model is not generic and cannot be operationalised as it is school-specific. The anbalysis showed that the measuring criteria developed by Thekiso are relevant but the specific factors identified differ in nature and number, hence altering the core of the measuring model itself. As a result, the article formulates an alternative model for use in KwaZulu-Natal to measure skills for managerial competence in the province. This research is of value to management, academia and researchers because it renders an alternative model to measure managerial competence whilst also warning against operationalization of any of the two models without further validation.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M19
- Figure 1. A model to measure skills for managerial competence
- Figure 2. A revised model to measure skills for managerial competence
- Figure 3. A model to measure skills for managerial competence at Mancosa
- Table 1. Thekiso’s factors of managerial competence
- Table 2. Data collection
- Table 3. KMO and Bartlett’s Test
- Table 4. Total variance explained
- Table 5. Total variance explained by factors
- Table 6. Rotated Component Matrix: Sub-factors extracted from Factor 1
- Table 7. Rotated Component Matrix: Sub-factors extracted from Factor 2
- Table 8. Names and the reliability coefficients of the factors
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