Monica Zegarra-Alva
1 publications
0 books
Financing in the alternative securities market: Economic and financial impact on SMEs
Carola Salazar-Rebaza, Fioreny Aguilar-Sotelo
, Monica Zegarra-Alva
, Franklin Cordova-Buiza
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 19, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 1-13
Views: 1203 Downloads: 430 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn Latin America, SMEs have difficulty accessing sources of financing that allow them to obtain more significant growth and strengthen their economic activity. Therefore, this paper aims to determine the impact of financing in the alternative securities market (MAV) on the economic and financial situation of Peruvian SMEs during 2017–2020. The methodology used in this study is a quantitative approach, descriptive, non-experimental design, and longitudinal measurement. In addition, a documentary analysis technique is employed. The population included 17 SMEs financed in the MAV; the paper considers the financial statements of 6 companies in the last 4 years as a sample. The results obtained show that SMEs financed through the MAV are of different categories and economic activities. Likewise, there is a predisposition of these in the issuance and placement of short-term instruments, determining a favorable economic and financial situation through the analysis of financial indicators, with sustainable profitability growth and an acceptable liquidity and solvency situation. The conclusion is that financing in the alternative securities market has contributed to the improvement of SMEs’ economic and financial state, allowing for sustainable growth and opportunities to diversify their operations.
Management and leadership in university education: Approaches and perspectives
Carola Salazar-Rebaza, Monica Zegarra-Alva
, Franklin Cordova-Buiza
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #3 pp. 130-141
Views: 940 Downloads: 581 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯUniversity education has undergone transcendental changes in recent years. The tendencies of adaptation to these advances bring as a consequence that the management models and the leadership exercised by its directors are analyzed looking for a better administration of university entities. The present study reviews the scientific literature on approaches and perspectives on leadership and management in university education. It aims to establish various aspects, characteristics, and leadership and management styles through the review of scientific articles in the Scopus, Scielo, Proquest, Gale Onfile, and Ebsco databases. Relevant aspects were measured through the analysis of 36 articles published in the last 7 years. As a result, models and redesigns of university management were obtained, as well as a trend toward developing competencies and new leadership styles of those who lead institutions. It is concluded that university management is characterized by the search for strategies that allow the achievement of the established objectives based on strategic planning. In addition, it includes its role and interrelation with society and innovative models that easily adapt to changes through leadership that seeks commitment and participation, promoting proactive decision-making and emotional intelligence.
Academic management of university virtual education: An analysis from the perception of students, teachers, and managers
Carola Salazar-Rebaza, Monica Zegarra-Alva
, Franklin Cordova-Buiza
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 21, 2023 Issue #4 pp. 532-544
Views: 342 Downloads: 105 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯCurrently, many universities are developing virtual education as an option for the training of future professionals. The objective of this study is to analyze aspects of the academic management of university virtual education from the perspective of students, teachers, and administrators. A mixed approach and non-experimental design were applied. Semi-structured interviews and surveys were used. The participants were 8 managers, 340 students, and 75 teachers from Peru, Colombia, Mexico, and Spain, from universities where virtual education is offered. The results show that 51% of teachers agree with the management, 50% accept the adequate use of technological tools, and only 20% say that virtual classes are effective. Concerning students, 45% agree with the management, but only 15% feel that they are attended to when problems arise in the virtual modality. The managers determine relevant aspects such as the importance of teacher training, having technological tools to ensure learning, and providing a comprehensive academic service, as is provided in the in-person modality. It is concluded that academic management in the virtual modality should prioritize the improvement of satisfaction levels of both students and teachers through adaptation processes, training, performance evaluation, attention, and problem-solving, as well as the use of virtual platforms that allow the development of competencies of the graduate profile and contribute to the comprehensive training of future professionals.
Evaluation of specific competencies of university students in hospitality and gastronomy programs
Monica Zegarra-Alva, Yamilet Castañeda-Gil
, Franklin Cordova-Buiza
Knowledge and Performance Management Volume 8, 2024 Issue #1 pp. 149-162
Views: 273 Downloads: 39 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯContinuous improvement of professional training was included in the monitoring of the progress of competencies by teachers, considering the importance of fulfilling students’ graduation profile at the end of their professional training. This study aims to evaluate students’ specific competencies in the Hospitality and Gastronomy programs at a private university located on the northern coast of Peru. The methodology is quantitative, applied to a population of 408 students during semesters 2020-1, 2020-2, and 2021-1; through the application of documentary review guides, the students’ competencies were evaluated, as well as the verification of the students’ satisfaction and recommendation regarding the teachers who evaluated such competencies. The results show that Hospitality students achieved 91% compliance with the graduation profile of the specific competencies and, in the case of Gastronomy – 81.25%. On the other hand, in 2020-1, Hospitality had a higher degree of satisfaction based on the teaching of the teachers who evaluated the competencies but a lower degree of recommendation, while Gastronomy evidenced a lower degree of satisfaction and a higher degree of recommendation. Likewise, in 2020-2, Gastronomy evidenced a higher degree of satisfaction and recommendation than Hospitality, and on the contrary, in 2021-1, Hospitality evidenced a higher degree of satisfaction and recommendation than that identified in Gastronomy. It is concluded that Hospitality students stand out with respect to the fulfillment of the graduation profile in semesters 2020-1 and 2021-1, and although there was a closeness in both programs in semester 2020-2, Hospitality always showed better results than Gastronomy.
1 Articles
1 Articles
1 Articles
1 Articles