Organizational culture influenced by leadership styles: the case of private businesses in Kosovo
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #3, pp. 306-314
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The characteristics and importance of leadership styles to organizational change are of particular importance for the development of organizational culture. This study aims to test leadership styles and the impact of the correlation between leadership style and organizational culture on the level of employees’ readiness across a range of leadership outcome measures. This study provides empirical evidence for the impact of leadership styles on organizational culture and vice versa. A questionnaire was distributed to 450 employees in private organizations in Kosovo. The obtained results show that organizational culture was a significant predictor for both transactional and laissez-faire leadership styles. Based on the dimensions of organizational culture concerning Kosovar leadership styles (transformational, transactional, laissez-faire), their mutual influence dominates more on one variable and less on any other variable as a measuring mechanism for outputs and their interpretation. The study will help the organizations’ leadership understand that their leading style influences the organizational culture and, as such, the employees’ performance. In Kosovo, the concept of organizational culture concerning Kosovar leadership has not been properly developed, and measures should be taken by private businesses to settle this issue.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L25, M12, O15
- Table 1. Percentage descriptive data for leadership styles rated according to participants’ opinion
- Table 2. Correlation data between organizational culture and leadership styles
- Table 3. Summary of the model (Y= βo + β1X1)
- Table 4. Summary regression model for transactional and laissez-faire leadership styles.
- Table 5. Summary of the multiple regression model for transformational style with components of organizational culture
- Table 6. Summary of multiple regression model for transactional style with components of organizational culture
- Table 7. Summary of the multiple regression model for laissez-faire style with components of organizational culture
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