Modeling development strategy of tourism companies under the influence of external and internal environment: Evidence from Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 4 2022-2023, Issue #1, pp. 1-15
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Nowadays, there is uncertainty in the external environment of tourism infrastructure companies. Such a situation necessitates modeling their behavior in the strategic perspective and identifying key development factors that will minimize the impact of adverse socioeconomic indicators, thus minimizing the likelihood of negative financial outcomes. This is taking place in conditions of development of tourism infrastructure companies in Ukraine and intensified competition with the absence of an appropriate management system in the development, production, and sale of tourism products and services. Thus, this study is highly relevant. The aim of this paper is to model the strategic development of tourism infrastructure using the SWOT methodology and correlation-regression analysis. Based on the diagnosis of trends in tourism infrastructure companies of Ukraine and their environment, an approach to the development strategy of tourism infrastructure companies is proposed. First, market trends in the tourism industry, which is a crucial component of the development strategy of tourism infrastructure, are considered. The essence of the proposed approach is to use the SWOT methodology. The determination of the most significant factors of companies’ internal and external environment is based on multifactor regression-correlation modeling. It is concluded that the general growth of tourism in Ukraine is due solely to the growing demand among the citizens of Ukraine for outbound tourism.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D22, М21
- Figure 1. Mechanism of the tourism industry environment
- Figure 2. Management system for the strategic development of leading tourism infrastructure companies
- Table 1. Generalized result of the contribution of tourism to the formation of GDP and employment in some countries
- Table 2. Dynamics in the number of tourists who were served by tour operators and agents
- Table 3. Dynamics of efficiency indicators of economic activity of tourism infrastructure companies in Ukraine in 2015–2019
- Table 4. Changes in basic development indicators of tourism infrastructure companies in Ukraine
- Table 5. Comparison of main activities of tourism infrastructure companies
- Table 6. Strengths and weaknesses of major tourism infrastructure companies
- Table 6 (cont.). Strengths and weaknesses of major tourism infrastructure companies
- Table 7. Market opportunities and threats of leading tourism infrastructure companies
- Table 8. Opportunities for tourism infrastructure companies
- Table 9. Threats for tourism infrastructure companies
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