Web-service promotion of SaaS service for mining design
Article InfoVolume 17 2021, Issue #4, pp. 49-61
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The market of software for automating the processes of mining enterprises is represented by foreign solutions, which increases the dependence of Kazakhstani enterprises on third-party developers. The marketing strategy for promoting the domestic software product focus on conquering the market segment and increasing competitiveness.
The study aims to develop a marketing strategy for promoting the national cloud service “3D-quarry” as a SaaS, taking into account the modern development of Kazakhstan and the globalization of the world’s economy. When writing the matrix of strategic analysis, an analysis of pricing models was used. The possibility of using various measures to promote the service was assessed. A marketing strategy for promoting software for subsoil use is proposed, including tactics of online and offline marketing. The choice of a pricing model for a SaaS product for specialized universities and small design organizations is substantiated. Within the SaaS framework, a set of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of a marketing strategy is proposed. A comparative analysis of the payback period of the project when using different tariff plans is carried out. Planning horizon – 3 years, planned market share – 5%, conversion rate – 1%, expected payback period – 4.4 years.
The developed pricing policy allows obtaining competitive advantages in comparison with the main representatives of the software market: in the segment of small design organizations – at the expense of an acceptable price, in the segment of educational institutions – at the expense of the freemium pricing model.
The study was carried out within the framework of the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic IRN AP09561619 “Development of the core of the web service “3D-quarry”.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M31, L86
- Figure 1. Dynamics of net cash flow for different tariff plans
- Table 1. Strengths and weaknesses of competing programs
- Table 2. Strategic analysis matrix
- Table 3. Price proposals of typical representatives of mining design software
- Table 4. Online marketing activities to promote the service
- Table 5. Choosing a SaaS product pricing model
- Table 6. Key objectives and performance indicators
- Table 7. Calculation of the payback period of the SaaS-product “3D-quarry” (the cost of an annual subscription is 40,000 tenge)
- Table 8. Calculation of the payback period of the SaaS product “3D-quarry” (the cost of an annual subscription is 50,000 tenge)
- Table 9. Calculation of the payback period of the SaaS product “3D-quarry” (the cost of an annual subscription is 60,000 tenge)
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